A healthy study environment

Students can only study successfully in an environment in which challenges and relaxation are balanced. Students should be able to enjoy their student time. A lot of different factors have an influence, such as a pleasant study facilities, good support, tasty and healthy food, and sufficient exercise and relaxation.

The University is responsible for facilitating these factors as they significantly contribute to the quality of education. Students can then choose to make use of the facilities in whichever way they please.

More awareness for study stress and mental health

The social and study related stress and pressure that students experience is increasing. Unfortunately, students do not always ask for help, so that some students struggle while nobody notices. The University needs to take responsibility in this matter. The increased study pressure is partly caused by changes and policies imposed from above and has negative effects on the performance of students. Our university should therefore support its students with both making choices and solving issues. Additionally, the University should devote attention to mental health issues and inform students about the possibilities to get help.

  • The University should hire a Study Career Advisor.

Last month, Lijst Calimero handed in a proposal to recruit a Study Career Advisor. That person can support students when they have to make decisions that go beyond their degree program. Examples are interdisciplinary minors or combining studying and a board year. At the moment, the UG does not have such a supportive function yet.

  • The UG has to start an awareness campaign and devote attention to mental health problems among students.

Metal health problems are still a non-discussed issue. Starting an awareness campaign would make mental health problems discussable and asking for help more accepted.

  • More student counsellors.

The student counsellor is a confidant. Students can consult him or her with personal and financial issues, or with study-related questions that they cannot or do not want to solve with their study. At the moment, there are not sufficient student counsellors for all students even though the demand for appointments is rising.

Sufficient room for self-development

Students need to have sufficient room to develop themselves during their time as a student. While the degree programs of the UG prepare students for their future, students also need to have sufficient room to develop themselves beyond their study and acquire important skills. Therefore, Lijst Calimero thinks it is important that students get the possibility to be active in study, sport, cultural and student associations.

  • No lectures and exams in the evening.

A full-time degree program has a workload of 40 hours per week. It is therefore not necessary to schedule lectures and exams in the evening. Lijst Calimero wants the UG to make necessary investments to solve capacity problems so that students can choose themselves how they want to spend their evenings.

  • More graduation funds for study associations.

Students take their study seriously and study associations play an increasingly important role. In the past years, the graduation funds for study associations exceeded their maximum amount. Study associations are entitled to receive higher compensations and support as they organize more and more activities. Lijst Calimero thinks study associations have a direct impact on the development of students and that therefore more money should be made available to support them.

Handling the consequences of internationalization

The University of Groningen has ambitious goals for their internationalization policies. As a consequence, the number of international students coming to Groningen increases every year. The UG is not only responsible for the effects that their internationalization policies have on education, but also for the effects outside of the University. The UG should take responsibility and make sure that new international students receive a warm welcome in Groningen and in the student community.

  • The UG must take responsibility in the housing issues of international students.

New international students are vulnerable and often struggle finding a decent room for a reasonable price. The UG should guide students in the process of finding a room by providing them with sufficient and adequate information.

  • Introduction periods should be more welcoming for international students.

The KEI-week should be made more attractive for international students and activities for international students should be organized in the time between the KEI-week and the start of the academic year so that international students feel more welcome in Groningen.

  • The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Groningen needs to get their own building.

The ESN is one of the biggest student organizations in Groningen and plays an important role in the inclusion of international students. At the moment, the ESN does not have a building of their own and Lijst Calimero thinks that it is time to change this.

Pleasant study facilities and university buildings

Good study facilities and university buildings are essential for students. The University should not only be a place for lectures, but also a place where students can study and come together with fellow students and teachers.

  • Outsourcing the Food & Drinks Services should lead to better quality.

Last year, the University decided to outsource the Food & Drinks services. Lijst Calimero imposed four important requirements: the prices cannot increase, the product range should be more diverse, students need to be able to consume their own food and drinks in the university restaurants, and sustainability needs to be guaranteed. We will make sure that those requirements are met.

  • Sufficient and adequate study places.

In the past, Lijst Calimero successfully pleaded for denying Hanze students the access to the University Library during exam periods and for opening the Harmony building in the weekend. Also in the future, there need to be sufficient study places at all times.

  • More work places for groups.

Next to the silence areas in the University Library work places for groups are necessary. More work places for groups should be created so that students can work together on assignments and prepare for their exams.