What does your vote as a student mean?
By voting for the University Council, you get to choose who will represent your interests to the executive board.
Your representatives will decided what issues the university will focus on, can propose ideas, and decide how money is spent
What is the University Council?
The University of Groningen (UG) has a University Council. This ‘U-council’ (UR) consists of twenty-four members: twelve elected from and by the students each year, and twelve from and by the staff every other year. These elections take place according to the Electoral Rules and are organized by the Central Electoral Committee (CSB).
More information here: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/organization/administrative-organization/participation-decision-making/uraad/
How and until when can you vote?
You can vote from May 13th until May 17th, 2024 at www.rug.nl/vote and logging in with your student account details.