Huisvesting Internationale Studenten

In september 2016 bleek dat een aantal internationale studenten niet in staat was geweest om huisvesting te vinden. Hoewel het CvB eerst van mening was dat dit de eigen verantwoordelijkheid was van studenten, heeft de universiteit later, nadat er ook in de media aandacht was voor de situatie, toch toegegeven enige verantwoordelijkheid te dragen. Wij stelden een rondvraag om te informeren naar de stand van zaken en te vragen hoe het CvB dacht dit probleem in de toekomst te voorkomen.

De rondvraag werd gesteld door Hanna, vandaar dat deze in het Engels is geschreven:

Thank you, chairman,

After talking to various international and local student associations, we are still concerned with the current housing situation of international students. Therefore, we have four questions.

  • In the previous Council meeting the CvB stated that there were no problems with the housing situation of international students. However, towards local media the CvB acknowledged the responsibilities of the university in this problematic situation. The first question therefore is how does the CvB perceive the situation now?
  • Second, what are the plans for the upcoming year, so that a situation in which international students are not able to find housing will not repeat itself?
  • Third, the contract between the SSH and the university is still unclear. Therefore, we would like to get the possibility to look at that contract as we heard from various associations that this would create more clarity.
  • Fourth, what are the plans once the law concerning cooperation of the SSH and third parties will be changed?

Thank you, chairman